Neighbourhood Battery Initiative

Seven of the eight EAGA member councils are participating in a project to create detailed business cases and project plans for neighbourhood batteries in council-selected locations.

As the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances are project partners, the project has been named the Greenhouse Alliance Neighbourhood Battery Investigation (Metropolitan) or GANBIM. The Yarra Energy Foundation (YEF) has secured funding through round three of the Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative (NBI) to carry out the project. This funding means there is no financial cost for the councils involved.  

YEF will deliver the respective business case by July 2024, bringing these potential neighbourhood battery projects one step closer to implementation. Furthermore, the second round of the Victorian Government’s 100 Neighbourhood Batteries program could provide an additional avenue for councils to seek future implementation funding, offering up to $300,000 with a minimum 10% co-contribution.

With community engagement one focus of the business cases, the GANBIM initiative will help unlock the potential of local government to support the roll-out of energy storage solutions in collaboration with their communities.