EAGA and the fellow Victorian Greenhouse Alliances collaborate in coordinated advocacy efforts to state and federal governments, generating significant impact on climate action. Read through this page to view the submissions, which provide insights and recommendations on various issues, contributing to informed decision-making and positive change.

Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Strategic Review (March 2025)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances made a number of recommendations to the Victorian Government in response to the VEU Strategic Review Discussion Paper. These included the creation of a sub-target that incentivises additional upgrades for eligible low-income and vulnerable households, and a separate sub-target for small to medium sized enterprises. It was recommended that an additional fee be recovered from each Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate (VEEC) to fund trusted intermediaries to facilitate the upgrades for these sub-target groups through engagement and information sharing activities. 

VGA submission to the VEU Strategic Review

Building Electrification Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) (February 2025)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances expressed support for the Victorian Government’s nation leading reform proposals on the phase out of gas and also made a number of recommendations to improve and complement the proposed measures. These included an increase in support for low-income households and renters to electrify their homes and expanded collaboration with Local Government, including investment in place-based outreach and facilitation programs for home energy upgrades. 

VGA submission to the Building Electrification RIS

Ministerial Direction: Climate Change Consideration (November 2024)

In collaboration with the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE), the VGAs submitted a response to the draft Ministerial Direction on Climate Change Consideration in the planning system. A number of modifications to the Direction were suggested to improve clarity, as well as recommendations to increase the scope of the Direction to more effectively address climate change at a precinct and planning amendment scale as intended. 

Read the joint submission

Electricity Distribution Price Review Consultation (August 2024)

Ahead of the 2026-31 Electricity Distribution Price Review (EDPR), EAGA coordinated Victoria’s local government response to distributors’ consultations on replacing old inefficient public lights with LEDs in the next regulatory period.

VGA response Jemena Public Lighting (PDF 64KB)

VGA response CP-PC-UE Public Lighting (PDF 53KB)

Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap (July 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances (VGAs) responded to the Commonwealth’s Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap with several recommendations. They urge the government to adopt science-based targets aligned with limiting warming to 1.5°C and establish a multilevel governance model for climate policy. The Alliances stress the importance of supporting local councils in promoting active transport modes and committing to zero emissions targets for new cars and heavy vehicles. They also call for the acceleration of electrifying the rail network and the implementation of Ultra-Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) and Low Emissions Zones (LEZ).

VGA response to the Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap (PDF 82KB)

Minimum Energy Efficiency and Safety Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses Consultation (July 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances jointly responded to the Victorian Government’s consultation on the Minimum Energy Efficiency and Safety Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses. They commended the proposed reforms for improving rental building stock, supporting renters in the energy transition, addressing market failures, and reducing household operating costs. The Alliances emphasised the need for fast-tracking the introduction of minimum standards, enhanced regulation on rental increases, and proper enforcement of compliance to protect the rights of lower income tenants. They also recommend additional measures such as top-up insulation, low-cost ventilation improvements, performance-based standards tied to mandatory disclosure, and phasing out gas stoves in favour of induction cooktops for health benefits and decarbonisation.

VGA submission to Minimum Energy Efficiency and Safety Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses Consultation (PDF 60KB)

Victorian Inquiry into Climate Resilience (June 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances provided several recommendations in a submission to the Victorian Inquiry into Climate Resilience. The Alliances suggested advocating for increased federal funding for local projects, developing a funding program for asset risk assessments, and adopting betterment as an eligible expense. They emphasized supporting programs like the Victorian Climate Resilient Councils Program and expanding the Adaptive Community Assets project. Other recommendations included implementing climate change planning recommendations, capturing benefits of green infrastructure, improving the CERA process, investing in climate resilience in community facilities, and establishing a multilevel governance approach to climate adaptation.

VGA submission to Victorian Inquiry into Climate Resilience (PDF 209KB)

Victorian Inquiry into Local Government Funding and Services (June 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submitted to the Victorian Inquiry into Local Government Funding and Services, highlighting the effects of cost shifting from higher levels of government to local councils and the sustainability of the existing revenue structure. Recommendations included establishing a multilevel governance approach to climate adaptation and advocating for direct financial support to enable councils to transition and support their communities in adapting to climate change. The submission suggests an example of this would be a dedicated funding program to support local governments in assessing and improving their assets in relation to future climate projections and risk modelling.

VGA submission to Victorian Inquiry into Local Government Funding and Services (PDF 145KB)

Federal Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability (May 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submitted a response to the federal inquiry into local government sustainability, highlighting financial challenges and changing responsibilities in the face of climate change. The submission emphasised that local governments play a critical role in climate adaptation, but limited resources and increasing damages to council-owned assets hinder their efforts. Direct financial support is needed to address climate change effectively. The Alliances call for a multi-level governance approach to ensure the sustainability of local governments and their communities in the face of climate change.

VGA Submission to Federal Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability (PDF 136KB)

Climate Change Authority’s Consultation on 2024 Issues Paper (May 2024)

In their response to the Climate Change Authority’s 2024 Issues Paper – Targets, Pathways and Progress, the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances recommended adopting science-based targets aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5°C and transitioning to zero emissions or below across all sectors. They called for a multilevel governance model to strengthen collaboration in setting climate policy and allocating resources. Additionally, the Alliances emphasised the importance of recognising the additionality of emission reductions from voluntary action, as the current policy framework in Australia falls short in this regard.

VGA Submission to CCA’s Consultation on 2024 Issues Paper (PDF 62KB)

National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper (April 2024)

The Municipal Association of Victoria and the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances jointly submitted their response to the federal government’s National Adaptation Plan issues paper. Based on the experience of the local government sector, they emphasised the importance of a cohesive and collaborative approach to climate adaptation through multilevel governance. The joint submission recommended increased direct financial support to enable all councils to accelerate local-level adaptation efforts. Additionally, it urged support for embedding adaptation through a whole-of-organisation approach, acquiring up-to-date climate risk data, clarifying financial disclosure requirements, and ensuring betterment principles were followed to enhance the resilience of assets. Finally, the organisations called for the incorporation of future climate scenarios and acceleration of adaptation through national levers such as construction policies and building codes.

MAV and VGA Submission to the National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper (PDF, 229KB)

Open Letter for Expansion of Household Energy Upgrades Fund (March 2024)

EAGA is one of the signatories to an open letter to federal government ministers regarding the Household Energy Upgrades Fund, a Commonwealth program that allocates $300 million for energy performance retrofits in social housing. In collaboration with 73 other organisations, Better Renting coordinated the joint letter, urging the government to take the following actions: set targets and monitor progress to retrofit all social housing by 2030, significantly increase funding up to six times the current amount by 2030, and establish a dedicated funding stream to prioritize remote social and Aboriginal-controlled housing.

Open Letter for Expansion of Household Energy Upgrades Fund (PDF, 671KB)

Federal Inquiry into the Transition to Electric Vehicles (March 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances’ March 2024 submission to the federal inquiry on the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) provided several recommendations. The Alliances suggested adjusting truck regulations and road-user charges to incentivise a diverse supply of efficient, affordable, and second-hand EVs. The submission also emphasised addressing residential charging barriers, improving visibility of network capacity, implementing national standards of service delivery, developing an EV Battery Recycling Program, and introducing low and zero-emissions zones in city sectors. These recommendations aim to promote equitable access to EVs, accelerate charging infrastructure deployment, and ensure sustainable transportation practices.

VGA Submission Inquiry into the Transition to Electric Vehicles (PDF, 121KB)

First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Consultation (February 2024)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances responded to the federal government’s First Nations Clean Energy Strategy Consultation Paper, emphasising the importance of First Nations leadership and collaboration in the clean energy transition. They support the draft principles and goals outlined in the Strategy, recommending a multi-level governance approach to ensure equitable access to clean energy. The submission highlighted the need for increased funding, capacity building, and engagement with First Nations organisations to support their active participation in the transition.

VGA Submission First Nations Clean Energy Strategy (PDF, 165KB)

Climate Active Program Direction Consultation (December 2023)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submitted a response to the Climate Active Program Direction Consultation. The submission advocates for the enhancement of the Climate Active Program and provides eight key recommendations for consideration. The Alliances express concerns about the costs associated with Climate Active-certified organisations and emphasise the importance of local climate action and co-benefits in offset outcomes. Furthermore, the submission states that local governments can play a crucial role in stimulating the demand for diverse and affordable domestic offsets.

VGA Submission Climate Active Program Direction Consultation (PDF, 108KB)

Multilevel governance: Letters to Federal Ministers (October 2023)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances wrote to the Minister and Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, advocating for a ‘multilevel governance’ approach to climate action. The letters to Minister Bowen and Senator McAllister request that state, local, and federal governments work together to speed up the transition to net zero and enhance community resilience. Specifically, the Alliances emphasised the collaborative opportunities presented by the Energy Savings Package and the National Energy Performance Strategy.

Multilevel governance letter to Minister Bowen (PDF, 116KB)

Multilevel governance letter to Senator McAllister (PDF, 116KB)

Local Government Partnerships: Letters to Victorian Ministers (September 2023)

The Greenhouse Alliances wrote to two state ministers to request a new strategic partnership between state, local and federal government to address the challenges of climate change. The letters to Planning Minister Kilkenny and Climate Action Minister D’Ambrosio advocated leveraging the respective capabilities and resources of all levels of government to ensure the best outcomes for Victorian communities.

Local Government Partnerships Letter Minister Kilkenny (PDF, 80KB)

Local Government Partnerships Letter Minister D’Ambrosio (PDF, 90KB)

Federal Inquiry into Residential Electrification (September 2023)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submitted a response to the federal Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into Residential Electrification. The submission included evidence of the compelling economic case for residential electrification as well as the emission reduction opportunity it provides. The submission also called for energy efficiency standards for rented homes and appliances, and a need for federal initiatives to leverage the experience of councils in this area.

VGA submission Federal Residential Electrification submission (PDF, 80KB)

Response to 2022 Flood Event in Victoria (May 2023)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances and CASBE jointly responded to the parliamentary inquiry into the 2022 flood event in Victoria. The submission focuses specifically on supporting the parliamentary committee to understand how the Victorian planning framework can ensure climate mitigation is a consideration in future planning decisions.

VGA and CASBE Victorian Flood Inquiry Submission (PDF, 125KB)

Fuel Efficiency Standard Consultation (May 2023)

The Australian Government has committed to introducing a fuel efficiency standard (FES). In April 2023, the government released a consultation paper detailing how an FES would incentivise suppliers to provide more fuel-efficient vehicles, including electric vehicles and hybrids. The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances responded to the consultation paper with key recommendations for the design of the FES to facilitate the transition to a zero-emissions transport sector.

VGA submission Fuel Efficiency Standard Consultation (PDF, 183KB)

Safeguard Mechanism Reform (Feb 2023)

The joint submission from the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances includes three key recommendations focused on reforms that will assist Australia reduce its emissions in line with the latest climate science.

VGAsubmission Safeguard Mechanism Reform (PDF, 180KB)

National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation (Oct 2022)

EAGA and six Victorian Greenhouse Alliances made a submission to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation process. The submission proposes eleven recommendations which seek to ensure a speedy, efficient, coordinated transition to electric vehicles that takes into account environmental and broader transport sector impacts.

VGA submission National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation

Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (Oct 2022)

EAGA’s submission to to the review of the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) was made in partnership with the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances. The submission provides eight key recommendations focused on supporting the growth of a diverse and affordable domestic offset market.

VGA submission ACCU review (PDF, 175KB)

Energy Security Board Data Strategy (Aug 2022)

The Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation paper defines a set of targeted, initial reforms designed to remove regulatory barriers and enable more effective access to existing energy market data.  EAGA submission urges the ESB to include Local Governments under the definitions of “Class B bodies” under the market’s regulations to ensure that councils can have timely and accurate access to existing energy data.

EAGA submission ESB Data Strategy (PDF, 22KB)

GreenPower Review (Aug 2022)

EAGA’s submission to the review of the GreenPower program urge the Government to rectify the current ambiguities relating to voluntary purchases of GreenPower/large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) as a carbon management strategy. It also calls for a transition to a scheme the focuses on affordability and drives demand through partnerships with councils.

EAGA submission GreenPower Review 2022 08 30

National Construction Code update (Jul 2022)

The National Construction Code plays a significant role in regulating new residential buildings, which impacts on the energy performance of new homes. EAGA wrote a submission to the 2022 Building Ministers Forum urging state and federal decision-makers to increase the minimum energy performance requirements for new homes from 6 to 7 stars (NatHERS), plus other appliance, thermal and renewable energy improvements. We also signed a joint statement with councils and other organisations across Australia.

Joint statement – local councils call for better homes joint statement

EAGA Submission NCC 2022_Regulatory Impact Statement

Victoria’s Interim 2035 Emissions Reduction Target (May 2022)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances team up with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to urge the Victorian Government to increase its ambition and adopt more stringent science based targets.

Local Government response to 2035 target consultation (PDF, 475KB)

PPA Market Facilitation Platform (Nov 2021)

The submission to DELWP’s consultation is informed by EAGA’s direct experience in leading and facilitating successful group Power Purchasing Agreements through the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO).

EAGA submission Powering Businesses in Victoria MFP (PDF, 270KB)

Proposed Planning Reforms (Oct 2021)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances and CASBE jointly respond the State Government’s proposed planning reforms and calls for a process to ensure Victoria’s planning system is aligned with the State’s legislated emission reduction targets and supports climate resilient communities.

Alliances CASBE letter planning reforms (PDF, 164KB)

Gas Substitution Roadmap (Aug 2021)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances joint submission calls for electrification and energy efficiency to be prioritised and implemented in a time frame consistent with the State’s emissions reduction targets.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliance submission Gas Substitution Roadmap (PDF, 271KB)  

Electric Vehicle Tax (April 2021)

EAGA teams up with the Eastern Transport Coalition and the Eastern Region Group of Councils to recommend a comprehensive strategy designed to lead to a fairer, just and more sustainable transport system, which promotes alternatives to cars and considers the impacts of congestion, car dependency and transport related pollution and carbon emissions.

EAGA ETC ERG Response to EV Tax (PDF, 176KB)

ESD Roadmap for Victoria’s Planning System (Feb 2021)

EAGA would like to acknowledge the substantial work of the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) to improve sustainability outcomes in the built environment and planning system.  EAGA submission is made in ful support of CASBE’s submission to the consultation process.

EAGA Submission ESD Roadmap (PDF, 186KB)

Embedded Networks Review (Feb 2021)

Embedded networks can offer significant benefits to customers, particularly for facilitating access to renewable energy and decarbonising the grid, meaning ‘one size fits all’ regulatory settings are not appropriate. However, in the absence of strong regulation, licensing and consumer protection laws, embedded networks can disadvantage some tenants, such as renters.

EAGA Submission Embedded Networks (PDF, 156KB)

In July 2022, the Victorian government released the Embedded Networks Review (Final Recommendations Report) which outlined the government’s plan to phase out residential embedded networks. Embedded networks will be replaced with Local Energy Systems (LESs), involving much more stringent licencing of operators, stronger consumer protections, and importantly, a requirement that LESs use 100% renewable energy (using a mix of on-site and off-site renewables). Further details here.

Infrastructure Victoria 30 Year Strategy (Feb 2021)

Findings from EAGA’s Resilient Emergency Relief Centres project has informed this response to the State’s robust and progressive strategy.

EAGA submission IV 30 year strategy (PDF, 221KB) 

Eastern Metropolitan Partnerships Roundtable (August 2020)

There is a key opportunity to link the economic recovery from the pandemic with the need to develop the local skills and supply chains to transition to zero carbon emissions in Melbourne’s East.

EAGA submission Eastern Metro Partnership (PDF, 161 KB)

National COVID-19 Commision (August 2020)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances jointly advocate for climate positive stimulus measures to address the economic and social impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submission COVID Commission (PDF, 141 KB) 

Technology Investment Roadmap (June 2020)

In a joint submission with the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances, EAGA raises a number of concerns that the Roadmap does not advance Australia towards addressing climate change with the urgency and magnitude that is required.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submission Technology Roadmap (PDF, 208KB)

Inquiry into Tackling Climate Change in Victorian Communities (Sept 2019)

An inquiry into what urban, rural and regional communities in Victoria are doing to tackle climate change and how the Victorian Government could support these communities.

EAGA submission Vic Parliamentary Inquiry Tacking CC (PDF, 274KB)

AEMC rule change wholesale demand response (Sept 2019)

EAGA teams up with the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances to confirm the support of Victorian councils for the rapid implementation of a rule change to the National Electricity Rules that would put demand response on a level playing field with new generation.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submission AEMC demand reponse (PDF, 222KB)

Updating the CCA’s advice on meeting Australia’s Paris Agreement commitments (Aug 2019)

Australia is not on track to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement.  This collaborative response by the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances calls for more stringent emissions reduction targets to bridge the emerging gap.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submission updating Authority’s advice (PDF, 338KB)

Victoria’s interim emissions targets (Jul 2019)

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances jointly advocate for the adoption of an ambitious emissions reduction trajectory to limit warming to 1.5°C.

Victorian Greenhouse Alliances submission interim targets 2019 07 22 (PDF, 491KB)

 Senate Committee on Fair Dinkum Power (Feb 2019)

The submission to the Senate Select Committee on Fair Dinkum Power makes a number of recommendations for aligning energy policy and climate policy to ensure the electricity sector does its fair share in assisting Australia to meet its international obligations.

EAGA letter Fair Dinkum Power (PDF, 111KB)

Solar Homes Package (Aug 2018)

EAGA welcomes the State Governments’ commitment to invest $1.2B in affordable renewable energy for Victorian households. EAGA’s letter to the Premier raises a number of concerns regarding the Package, based on recent experience in leading the delivery of local government’s flagship low income solar program, Solar Savers.

EAGA letter Solar Victoria (PDF, 198KB)

Electric and Automated Vehicles (Aug 2018)

Infrastructure Victoria’s consultation on the evidence base for ‘Automated and zero emission vehicle infrastructure advice’  is important for councils who are supporting the uptake of EVs through the adoption of EVs in council fleets, installing publicly charging infrastructure and engaging with regional transport providers.

EAGA submission IV electric vehicles (PDF, 433KB)

Planning controls for sustainable buildings and vegetation management (June 2018)

In June 2018, EAGA partnered with the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) and the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances to develop a joint submission to the Planning Minister to raise several important issues relating to planning controls for sustainable buildings and vegetation in urban areas.

Joint Letter Planning Minister CASBE Alliances (PDF, 1,540KB)

Major Road Lighting (April 2018)

In May 2018, EAGA met with the Minister for Roads (Hon. Luke Donnellan MP) to discuss an equitable co-investment model for replacing cost-shared lights. EAGA’s business case report demonstrates that the region may forgo savings of $2.1M and 7,592 tonnes of emissions annually if the lights remain unchanged. An estimated up-front investment of $8.8M is required from the State to unlock and bring-forward a larger investment of $14.5M from EAGA councils, which would be recouped in ~5.5 years.

EAGA letter to Minister for Roads April 2018 (PDF, 170KB)

Victoria’s Interim Emissions Targets (April 2018)

Victoria’s Climate Change Act 2017 establishes a long-term target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. EAGA’s submission to the review of interim targets includes a number of recommendations to ensure the State’s ambitions are aligned to the two degree Paris goal.

EAGA submission Vic Interim Emission Targets (PDF, 336KB)

Review of the ERF Safeguard Mechanism (Mar 2018)

EAGA’s response calls on the Federal Government to address the complete lack of policy coordination impacting emissions from land use change and to ensure that emission baseline cannot be increased over time.

EAGA submission ERF Safeguard (PDF, 410KB)

Draft Local Government Act Bill (Feb 2018)

In response to EAGA’s advocacy in October 2018, a number of improvements to the Rates and Charges section of the Draft Bill have been adopted, including the expansion of EUAs from the commercial and industrial sectors to the residential sector.

EAGA submission LG Act Draft Bill Feb 2018 (PDF, 371KB)

Minimum Electricity Feed-in Tariffs (Jan 2018)

Read EAGA’s response to the Essential Services Commission’s draft decision regarding the Minimum Electricity Feed-in Tariffs to Apply from 1 July 2018.

EAGA submission ESC Feed In Tariff Review (PDF, 271 KB)

Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Electric Vehicles (Dec 2017)

After giving evidence to the parliamentary panel in October 2017, EAGA prepared a detailed submission calling for a more substantive response from all levels of government to ensure the transition to a lower emissions transport sector can occur in an economically efficient and equitable manner.

EAGA Submission PI Electric Vehicles (PDF, 271 KB)

Informing the Local Government Act Bill 2018 (Oct 2017)

Following face to face meeting with Local Government Victoria’s legislative team, EAGA wrote to the Minster for Local Government to raise a number of important issues relating the use of council rates charges as a financing mechanism for sustainability programs.

EAGA letter LG Act Exposure Draft (PDF, 243 KB)

Review of the CFI legislation and the ERF (Sept 2017)

Strengthening the Carbon Farming Initiative legislation and the Emissions Reduction Fund to ensure voluntary actions are additional to Australia’s international obligations will be critical for ensuring Australia can meet its obligations under the Paris Agreement.

EAGA Submission Review CFI and ERF (PDF, 243 KB)

Senate inquiry into the current and future impacts of climate change on housing, buildings and infrastructure (Aug 2017)

EAGA’s submission focuses on a number of areas where councils are experiencing the impacts of climate change as well as opportunities for adaptation.

EAGA submission CC housing inquiry (PDF, 239KB)

Draft Report on Distribution Market Model (July 2017)

EAGA’s response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft report draft addresses the prospect of changing the National Electricity Rules (NER) so that rooftop solar and storage owners could be charged for exporting electricity into the grid.

EAGA submission draft distribution market model (PDF, 298 KB)

Review of Federal Climate Change Policies (May 2017)

EAGA’s response to the Federal Government’s discussion paper outlines a number of recommendations for establishing a comprehensive and integrated suite of reforms to transition Australia to a zero emissions economy.

EAGA submission Federal climate policy review (PDF, 248 KB)

Finkel Review Preliminary Report (Feb 2017)

The Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market (NEM) provides a unique opportunity to establish a comprehensive and integrated suite of reforms to ensure an efficient and timely transition to a decentralised, resilient, zero emissions energy system. R

EAGA submission Finkel Review (PDF, 307 KB)

National Carbon Offset Standards (NCOS) for Buildings and Precincts (Feb 2017)

To strengthen the Federal Government’s carbon neutral program, EAGA recommends the current ambiguities relating to voluntary purchases of GreenPower/LGCs as a carbon management strategy are rectified.

EAGA Submission NCOS Standards (PDF, 233 KB)

Senate Inquiry into the Resilience of Electricity Infrastructure in a Warming World (Jan 2017)

In its submission to the senate inquiry, EAGA makes a number of recommendations to support an efficient and timely transition to a decentralised and sustainable energy system that is resilient to the increasing risks posed by climate change.  Read the full submisison here (PDF, 243 KB)

Distribution Market Model (Jan 2017)

EAGA’s response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation explains how a transition to a decentralised and sustainable energy distribution system will require networks to establish business models with stakeholders with whom they have previously had little interaction, including local government authorities. Read the full submission Read the full submission here (PDF, 246 KB)

Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan (June 2016)

The consultation process informing the development of the State’s second climate change adaptation plan involved a series of workshops and formal written responses to a discussion paper developed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). Read EAGA’s full submission Read the full submission here (PDF, 265 KB)

Infrastructure Victoria 30 Year Strategy (June 2016)

EAGA’s submission addresses investment in assets and infrastructure that will enable the State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst building capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change over the next 30 years. Read the full submission here (PDF, 373 KB)

Victorian Climate Change Framework (Feb 2016)

The recommendations provided within EAGA’s submission are intended to inform the establishment of a practical model for the implementation of the Victorian Climate Change Framework.  Read the full submission here (PDF, 231 KB)

Local Generation Network Credits (Feb 2016)

EAGA considers the proposed changes to the National Electricity Rules for local electricity generation as fundamental and necessary market reform for addressing the barriers to distributed energy. Read EAGA’s submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation paper here (PDF, 226 KB)

Electricity Distribution Price Review (Jan 2016)

Following from EAGA’s detailed response (PDF, 725 KB) to the price proposals submitted by Victorian electricity distribution network service providers (DNSPs) in June 2015, EAGA makes a second submission on behalf of the local government sector to the AER’s preliminary determination. The submission can be accessed here (PDF, 201 KB)

Review of the Sustainability Fund Priority Statement (Dec 2015)

EAGA welcomes the broadening of the scope of the Sustainability Fund to reinstate its support for climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. The submission makes a number of recommendations for improving the quality of projects that will eventually be supported by the Sustainability Fund. Read the full response here (PDF, 219 KB)

Review of the Local Government Act 1989 (Dec 2015)

The scope of EAGA’s submissions deals exclusively with chapter six of the DELWP discussion paper relating councils rates and charges and makes a number of recommendations for modernising the Act to enable councils to use property charges to underpin renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. Read the full submission here (PDF, 250 KB)

Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Proposed Changes (Oct 2015)

EAGA’s response supports the Proposed Activity Regulation Change to include the ability for non-building related lighting (such as street and outdoor lighting) to be included under VEET. The submission also supports the immediate introduction of Project Based Assessment (PBA) into the scheme to support complex, multi-technology energy efficiency projects at the council level. Read the full response here (PDF, 344 KB)

Victoria’s Renewable Energy Roadmap (Sept 2015)

The submission outlines a number of recommendations for transforming Victoria’s generation stock towards renewable energy, addressing barriers to distributed generation and storage, encouraging household and community renewable energy and defining the government’s role in facilitating the uptake of renewable energy.  Read the full submission here (PDF, 259 KB)

Review of the Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets (Aug 2015)

EAGA’s response highlights a number of systemic issues within the national electricity market (NEM), which prevent national, state and local action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and makes recommendations for energy market reforms that facilitate a rapid transition to more sustainable, intelligent networks that support consumer access to clean, safe and affordable energy services. Read the full submission here (PDF, 244 KB)

Review of the Climate Change Act 2010 (Aug 2015)

EAGA’s submission provides a number of recommendations for strengthening the Act to facilitate a more robust response to climate change from the government, businesses and community sectors. It also outlines an opportunity for establishing a landmark partnership between the state and local government sectors by synchronising and maximising the effectiveness of local climate action across the state.  Read the full submission here (PDF, 344 KB)

Electricity Distribution Price Review (July 2015)

In July 2015, the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances developed and submitted a collective response to the EDPR from the Local Government sector. The submission was informed by a state wide planning workshop (June 2014) and the subsequent development of the DNSP Local Government Policy Framework (PDF, 223 KB) and the DNSP Engagement Program.  Read the full submission here (PDF, 725 KB)

Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Review (May 2015)

EAGA’s members support the adoption an ambitious and robust energy efficiency target that provides strong support for VEET subsidised programs and the greatest long term certainty for market participants.  Read’s EAGA’s formal response to the consultation process here (PDF, 273 KB)

Australia’s Post 2020 Emissions Reduction Target (April 2015)

EAGA’s submission to the UNFCCC Taskforce urges the Federal Government to take action that is consistent and proportionate with the voluntary measures currently being undertaken by Councils, businesses and communities across the country. This includes the adoption of a strong ambitious target that is consistent with the need to limit an increase in global temperatures to two degrees, as agreed by the international community at Cancun in 2010.  Read the full submission here (PDF, 812 KB)

Rule Change for Demand Management Incentives (March 2015)

It is EAGA’s position that the proposed changes to the national electricity rules for demand management incentives should proceed in order to overcome the existing barriers preventing distribution businesses from undertaking demand management projects as an alternative to building new network infrastructure. Read EAGA’s response to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) consultation process here (PDF, 376 KB)

MOU Adaptation Roles & Responsibilities (Sept 2014)

EAGA recognises that the existing lack of clarity around roles and responsibilities is one of the most significant barriers to adaptation and therefore supports the overall intention of the MOU. However, EAGA has a number of concerns with the draft MOU as described in our full response (PDF, 610 KB)

Review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) (April 2014)

EAGA recognises the importance of policy and regulatory mechanisms in overcoming the barriers to renewable energy generation and therefore have a significant interest in the continuation and long term sustainability of the RET scheme. Read our response to the 2014 RET review here (PDF, 702 KB)

Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) Green Paper (Feb 2014)

EAGA has a number of concerns regarding the structure of the ERF as proposed in the Federal Government’s Green Paper – particularly its ability to support businesses, communities and LGAs to capture emission reduction opportunities and the lack of safeguards to ensure the 2020 reduction target is met. Read the full response to the Green Paper consultation here (PDF, 461 KB)

Plan Melbourne (Dec 2013)

Read EAGA’s response to the State’s planned Initiatives to support local governments and the private sector in their efforts to promote energy efficiency here (PDF, 564 KB)

ERF Terms of Reference (Nov 2013)

In its response to the Federal Government, EAGA urges the Government to structure the ERF in a transparent and equitable way that ensures Local Government and non-for-profit sectors can access the Fund. Read the submission Department of Environment here (PDF, 553 KB)

Energy Savings Initiative (ESI) (July 2013)

In its submission to the Victorian Government, EAGA advocates for the continuation of the ESI (otherwise known as the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target, or VEET scheme) and consistent, ongoing support for Councils, businesses and households to overcome the financial barriers to investment in energy efficiency. Read EAGA’s formal response to the ESI Issues Paper here (PDF, 609 KB)

Australia’s Emission Caps & Targets Review (May 2013)

It is EAGA’s position that the national reduction target should be increased to 25% by 2020 (from 2000 levels) and caps on emissions correspondingly tightened. Read EAGAs submission the Climate Change Authority here (PDF, 555 KB)