EAGA’s Vision

Melbourne’s East is home to healthy, prosperous, environmentally sustainable and resilient low carbon communities.

EAGA’s Mission

EAGA will facilitate the region’s transition to zero net emissions by 2030 by delivering innovative climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, influencing policy and programs through advocacy and build the capacity of its members and stakeholders..

EAGA pursues its vision through a Strategic Plan with the following key objectives:

  1. Leverage the network of EAGA to implement climate change mitigation and adaptation projects
  2. Build the capacity of EAGA’s members and stakeholders through collaboration, partnerships and effectively sharing information
  3. Utilise EAGA’s scale, reputation and member’s commitment to advocate for initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and low carbon communities at state and federal government levels
  4. Develop partnerships to secure resources for projects whilst maintaining strong governance structures and an engaged membership

EAGA Strategic Plan 2021-25 (PDF, 521 KB)